Our Mission
The Del Norte Christian Association Mission
The Knights of Columbus council 2688 was the men’s association of the Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church. It was chartered on 05/06/1928. Based upon the picture in the café of the KofC there were about 250 active members at that time. It currently list 60 plus names in its annual reporting with 7 active members.
The KofC 2688 was given instruction by the national and state offices to establish a separate 501c3 for the IRS to manage all property operated by the council. On 12/22/2017 the Del Norte Christian Association was established and received our 501(c)(3) from the IRS on 01/26/2018 and a tax identification number of 82-3799163 and a state sales tax exemption number of 98238003 on 08/30/2018.
The KofC 2688 has been maintaining the church since 1928 with visible contributions such as statues, parking lot payment, installation of sprinkler system and all painting and maintenance of the church. It last notable major maintenance was the replacement of the cross on top of the church. Its major projects include operation and maintenance of the KofC Hall which was built in the 1930s but never completed. It added a downstairs handicap ramp but needs the upstairs handicap ramp. The hall has been used for community organizations such a County Court, County public meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Rio Grande Hospital, multiples church activities. These activities include education, church meetings, church fund raisers, church celebrations welcoming and farewell of priests and bishops.
The Del Norte Christian Association (DNCA) accomplishments include fund raising for the church in 2019 and community services. Community services include offering its hall for community events such as funerals, graduation parties, birthdays, and assorted other gatherings. The DNCA has provided the community Easter egg hunt at the Del Norte park since 2022.
Upon closure of the Holy Name of Mary Church (HNM) in 01/02/2023, the DNCA has become HNM pathway for re-opening the church. It has established communication with the Pueblo Catholic Diocese. It has held meeting for the parish to hold the parish together. It has established breakfasts to provide general updates to the parish members.
The closure of the HNM church was tragic but must look towards the benefits given to the HNM church congregation. It has brought back members that have silently left attending and involved in the church activities. The HNM church restoration members have developed into multiple committees. You are invited to come and join any of the committees listed below or build new additional committees. The DNCA meets every two weeks for breakfast of coffee, juice, eggs, hashbrowns, toast, pancakes, sausage, bacon, ham. Everyone is invited for breakfast. See calendar for dates. Cost is Free. (There is a donation Bowl to offset cost)
The Communication Committee (HNM-CC): This committee is involved in developing newsletters and communication to the parish members and community. Its role includes providing news updates on the progress to reopen the HNM church. It is to keep the parish informed of the up-coming events being planned and post to the calendar. It will make a major effort to reconnect to current, past and future parish members.
Communication with the Pueblo Diocese
Build a newsletter to keep everyone informed
Establish and maintenance of website for communication
Establish a written history of the parish
Keeping calendar of events current
Collecting and maintenance of members contact information
The Finance Committee (HNM-FC): This committee is involved in financial transparency. It will establish a separate bank accounts for future fund raising activities when the bishop provides a path for re-opening the HNM church. This committee is responsible for sending out notes of acknowledgement of donations. They will be responsible to budgeting and identifying operating cost to keep HNM solvent and timely in bill payments. They will be responsible to providing the parish with information of on finances of the HNM.
Built a separate bank account with multiple signers required for withdraw
Keep minutes of all activities and actions voted by members
Work toward establishing clear budget goals
Develop fundraising paths when authorized by bishop
The Worship and Praise Committee (HNM-WP): This committee is involved in parish religious programs. They will lead and plan monthly activities for the parish members.
Rosary outside HNM Church
Stations of Cross – (Currently Held in Café at DNCA)
Locations and times of masses at other churches until HNM reopens
The Parish Community Connection (HNM-PCC): This committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining present and future opportunities to meet.
Bi-weekly Breakfasts for fellowship and updates
Monthly Dinners and activities to bring community together
Community outreach – next will be Del Norte Easter Egg hunt at the Park
The Restoration Committee (HNM-RC): This committee is tasked with collecting information and qualified staff for re-opening HNM church.
Sketches and blue prints of HNM campus
Identify structural flaws of present campus
Work with diocese on developing timetables and plans for reopening
Identify qualified personnel that would be willing to assist after plan is developed
The Outreach Committee: (HNM-OC): This committee is tasked with connecting with the other rural Catholic churches and finding best practices to re-energize our church.
Connected with Saint Agnes in Saguache
Identify leadership and exchange communication information
Assist where possible other churches to work as team in restore Catholic Attendance and involvement
Study what works wells at other churches and bring ideas home
Build a best practice book
The Youth Committee: (HNM-YC): This committee is tasked with connecting with our youth members and bring families back to our church. They are also tasked with re-energize our youth education program for gaining sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
This committee is under development.
The HNM campus development Committee (HNM-CDC): The HNM is blessed with having all the structures necessary to grow and expand. It has a large church, a rectory with multiple sleeping rooms, it have a small community center and it has the large meeting building of the DNCA or the old KofC building.
This committee is under development.
Questions or Comments? Please contact Greg Porter @ 719-849-8415 or gregporter0756@gmail.com